Best Career Tips and Guidance for Students

Career Tips and Guidance by India Web Info

Getting up from the classroom and heading towards making a fulfilling career is a surprising adventure in itself. Which is also very important in every student’s life whether smart or dull, either poor or rich. At India Web Info, we actually understands this phase of life where each and every student has his own dreams and ambitions and therefore we are here to help and guide each and everyone of you with our best compilation of career tips and guidance.

If you are still studying, or preparing for any exam and will be entering the job market soon, than go through this – The best Career Tips and Guidance compiled specially for Indian students. if you follow these tips and advices than it will definitely add value to your upcoming prosperous career.

Find below the best Career Tips and Guidance necessary at different stages of your career pathway:

1. Understand Your Strengths and Interests

Identify Your Strengths:

Identify your inherent skills or interests whether you like to draw/paint or you find interest in solving puzzles and mathematics problems. You might be interested in creative writing. These point of interest’s will give you hint about various career options that might be suitable for you. If you like biology and chemistry subjects than you can opt for careers like medical, or chemists/pharmacists etc. respectively.

Find and explore your Passion:

It is very important to find your most complementing strengths with your passion. You can tap the most suitable career option based on your strengths and passion, like if you love to play music and interested in medical, than you can opt for a career in Music Therapy.

Find a Mentor:

Get yourself a mentor at the start of your career itself. You can find your ideal and follow him to get a perfect career path. This ideal and assured pathway which you can create yourself can make your path easy and short with higher success rate.

Seek Guidance:

Never hesitate to ask questions. Clear your doubts and discuss your thoughts with teachers, family members, and even career counselors if needed. You can make better decision with their inputs and support.

2. Explore Career Options as per your Interests

Get Idea about Different Career Fields:

There are many career options in India like engineering, medical, law, banking, finance, defense, teaching, ecommerce, retail, marketing, sales, IT, etc. Also, todays new generation will find latest career fields in data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, etc. Find and shortlist career fields that aligns with your interest and strengths.

Understand their Challenges and Requirements

Each career path has its own set of educational requirements in terms of eligibility and may impose challenges in terms of educational investment and their competitive nature. You need to understand the stages of the selected career path right from the academics to final job interview.

Evaluate the Scope, Competition and Upcoming Job Market Trends

Your shortlisted career option will have its own scope in terms of starting salary, quick and fast growth, along with the competition. Different career fields may also have different Job markets and trends that you may need to anticipate well in advance.

Consider Job Positions and Growth Prospects

Job position that a career may offer for freshers and starting salaries that you can expect. After certain point of time how much appreciation in terms of salary hike you can expect. Based on these factors you can consider most promising career field.

3. Setting-up Career Goals

Create Short-term Goals

Once you are clear in your mind about the career options that are available to you, you can set clear goals. Short term goals are those which you can achieve in near future like good grades in your final exams, completing internships, getting selected for competitive exams, or even completing a certification course. Such short terms goals should always be very specific and achievable.

Create Long-term Goals

These long term goals takes time to achieve. These are very important as important career points are attached to these goals like completing your degree course with distinction, landing a job in your chosen company, or reaching a particular designation in your job. Long term goals should be checked thoroughly as these are highly prone to distractions and failure.

Create a Career Plan

This is what includes your complete action plan including your short and long term goals, along with the direction and pace. If you move in a slight different direction or with a slow speed or take any shortcut, you may end up somewhere else. So, its very important to have a career plan with actionable steps and career goals. This should be followed throughout your career path, to see yourself at the career peak that you have thought of achieving.

4. Prepare your Self with Right Education and Skills

Get the Basic Education with Required Degree and Certifications

Getting the required education is the most important to get eligible for the career field you are aspiring for. You also need to check for required certifications and add on courses that may add value to your profile.

Stay updated with Continuous learning

Keep yourself updated through technology and business blogs. Follow latest trends and advancements in your field by attending seminars, workshops, and visiting online forums, etc. The universe is constantly evolving with changing lifestyle, cultures, weathers, and human preferences along with technology advancements. So, every field is changing especially after the introduction of Artificial Intelligence.

Add Soft Skills to beat Competition

Soft skills are many a times overlooked or ignored by enthusiastic students. They don’t consider it useful and focus on academic grades mainly. But, employers are looking for candidates who are more into providing results by managing, organizing, and communicating well. So, investing time and efforts on soft skills like communication, problem solving, time management, manpower management, team work, and leadership qualities will be surely be an added advantage. This will built your profile more strong and competitive.

5. Gain Practical Experience

Polish your Technical Skills with On-job Training and Internship

Practical experience through In-Plant trainings and internships are very important. This helps in reviving your technical skills and expertise. On job training is important where you will be assigned different departments to understand the workflow and actual process. In such training process, you are not liable or held responsible for any tasks its purely a learning environment, and you can spend your time in learning all the important aspects of the job requirement.

Part Time Jobs to Compliment your Resume

Part time jobs are useful because it don’t consume extra time. You can carry on with your current academic schedule or complement with some courses that you will be taking for your career. And so, without spending any time doing parallel along with your current assignments you can gain experience through Part time job. This will add value to your resume where other competitive job seekers may fail to do so.

Volunteering Activities to Participate in Projects and Live Events

Volunteering activities are not always paid and may not be that much helpful, but it can give you a live experience in your field of interest. You can volunteer in different projects and live events to gain practical experience.

6. Building Connections and Networking

Networking Events and Career Guidance based Seminars

Try to attend seminars and workshops in your related field. This will allow you to meet industry professionals and advisors from that field. You can make connections through such events and also learn about industry trends.

Connect with Seniors for Support and Guidance

You can also connect with your teachers, mentors and senior alumni. They will guide you through their personal experiences and give advises as and when required.

Establish Social Media Profiles

Actively create Social Media profiles specially on LinkedIn to get connected with your industry professionals and fellow mates. Also, get in touch with people from the same field and get connected to get job insights and sneak peek inside your industry.

7. Preparing for Job Interviews

Create an Impressive Resume

Resume is what that makes the first impression even before you appear in front of interviewers or employers. Resume is the handy tool that expresses your pitch for the job vacancy you are applying for. Resume can create the first impression that may trigger shortlisting for job interview. An eye-catching design with formal tone can distinguish yourself with other job seekers.

Its your profile that exhibits your skills and achievements, so that must be very special. No spelling mistakes, easy to read, with important highlights, without unnecessary distractions, that’s it.

Nowadays, people get their resume written and designed by professionals, you can too make yours in a professional way. There are many resume formats and templates available online for reference.

Research and Shortlist Companies before Applying

Research the company’s mission, values, products, growth and work culture before applying for a job. Make yourself comfortable with the company’s location, offerings and human resource management. You will never neglect this stage of selecting a company because once you find a job your next goal is to gain a minimum 3 to 4 years of extensive work experience along with promotions and growth.

If you hurry and join any company which might not fits your taste and morals, than you may not work efficiently and end up leaving jobs and looking for change continuously. Such job hoppers are never entertained during interviews.

Practice with Interview Questions, Body Language, Accent, etc.

There are common Interview questions that interviewers asked. They actually wanted to hear something different, some thing more promising and the way of communicating, kind of expression, the body language, etc. Be confident and calm while answering, make your self relaxed throughout the interview.

Workout on your Appearance and Dressing

Appearance makes a strong impression and makes you more confident. You should make yourself somewhat formal with a good dressing and look. Your appearance and looks creates strong impression on interviewers. Avoid bright colours and any extra jewelry, tattoo, piercings etc.

Best Career Tips and Guidance for Students
Best Career Tips and Guidance for Students

8. Handling Rejections and Setbacks

Learn & Improvise from Rejections

Every Rejection is an opportunity to learn and improvise yourself. Don’t get discourage, work upon your skills and revise your knowledge part, complement it with more confidence and experience. Than definitely you will be able to crack it.

Stay Positive and Keep Trying

Even after rejection you need to try again. Always maintain positivity around your self. Being positive is the most important strength that will help you in trying again. Keep networking, improvise on your skills and capabilities, and focus on achievements. Try again, and be persistent. As long as you keep trying and stay committed, the opportunity will definitely come your way.

Stay away from Distractions

Most of the time, in order to achieve long term goals, people face distractions and disturbances. These distractions will change your course of direction and may keep you disturbed and affect your efficiency. Be focused and charged with strongly committed towards your goals. You will face interferences and feel disheartened but persistence and focus are the keys to your success.

9. Consider Further Education/Specialization

Evaluate the Need for Further Studies

Some fields may require the need of extra specialization or certification for better progress in your career. Considerations for post-graduation, or a specialized certification will make your profile stronger than your competitors.

Choose the Right Program or Specialization

Before selecting any program or specialization, such as MBA Program or Python Course, or Cybersecurity, etc. you should check whether it aligns with your career goals. Do your research for the curriculum, faculty and the opportunities for jobs and internships out of it.

Check for Financial Burden and Return on Investment

Nowadays, education is very expensive as far as specialised courses and programs are concerned. You must select the program/course after considering the financial aspects. Don’t burden yourself financially, as the actual cost of the course may go higher with travelling and conveyance expenses, hostel/mess fees, excursion fees, project expenses, in-plant training, etc. Also, consider the Return on Investment that you will getting as many students have found stuck with expensive educational loans.

10. Keeping a Balanced Work and Personal Life

Set your limits

Personal life is also important and for that only we work harder. We must set our limits and boundaries and devote equally same time and responsibility to our personal life and our family. Keep your work stress and tensions away from your family life. This will help you to keep happiness within your family, and maintain physical and mental health.

Prioritize Health and Well Being

Health should never be neglected. You must also prioritize your health and well being which may deteriorates once you start developing work stress. Daily routines, regular exercise or gym, a healthy diet, enough sleep, and family time should be maintained throughout.

Manage Work Stress and Depression

Indulge yourself in Yoga to get relief from stress and depression. Deep breathing and meditation will help you beat your stressed mindset and pump you with enough positive energy. Get your self some time for your passion and hobbies like playing piano or guitar, or spending time with your friends and buddies.

11. Learn and Advance in your Career

Continue Learning and Polishing Your Skills

Learn new courses and revive your skills and knowledge. Plenty of free online courses are now available. Many platforms like coursera, Academia, Udemy, etc are now offering courses from industry experts. You can also, work on freelancing platforms like freelancer, Upwork, fiver, etc. to keep yourself paid while practicing your skills.

Flexible Mindset

Don’t get stuck at any stage of your career. Keep moving, keep growing. Your mindset will help you to think and find solutions to problems. So, keeping your mindset flexible is very important.

Ready to Adapt Changes

You should appreciate new ideas and concepts, new technologies and advancements, that are changing and updating frequently in every aspect of a business. Adapt any changes and upgrade yourself with new practices and ideas.

Learn from Failure and Bad Experiences

Failure is a part of life. You should learn from it. These are valuable lessons that you may taught your self and this is what we called as experience can make you stronger and future ready.


Your career is not just a journey, its a marathon. Creating a career plan is the important step in the beginning of a career. Planning is very important at each and every stage. Finding a passion, having a mentor, exploring career options, networking, handling rejections, etc. and many other things you have to check and learn. With a right mindset, necessary skills and hardworking nature, you can achieve your career goals.

At India Web Info, we are here to support you at every step in your career pathway. And will be providing you necessary career tips and guidance along with job opportunities for your bright future.

Stay connected with us at India Web Info for more such career tips and guidance.

About Raashid Ansari

Raashid Ansari, a thoughtful writer that finds joy in sharing knowledge, tips and experiences on various helpful topics around nature, wildlife, as well as business. He has a deep connection with nature that often reflects in his work. Whether he's writing about recycling or the wonders of nature or any health topic, Raashid Ansari aims to inspire and educate through his words. "Find him on LinkedIn and Facebook"

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